Friday, December 30, 2016

Betty's Kitchen

Let me introduce you to Betty's kitchen...all 35 square feet of it!

This is the view as soon as you enter. Under the sink (out of view) is a small bar size fridge. That's my one and only drawer where I keep my cutlery and kitchen utencils. I replaced the chrome knob with a glass one on the drawer, but all the cabinets (and the stove) are original.

To the left side of the stove there is a small flip-up counter top. This little gem just about doubles the amount of available counter space!

And this is the view looking towards my dinette area. So far I have never actually cooked in here, just made a few sandwiches :)

Monday, September 05, 2016

Confession # 9, My Thoughts On Pets

Confession number nine. I'm not really a pet person. What??? True. Probably the only person to ever write this in her blog. I'm not scared of animals, well, maybe snakes. But I just don't want a pet to look after. Please. Don't. Judge. Me. I know, I am probably in a very small minority, like let's say 0.0001%. My husband on the other hand would love to have a dog. Not a little dog, but a lab or a golden retriever. But I say just borrow a dog if you want a "dog fix". You see, in our cluster of 10 cottages there are a total of  8 dogs (and one cat). All shapes and sizes, all makes and models! No need to make it 9 doggies, just go ask a neighbour to borrow their pooch. There, problem solved. Ha!