Saturday, April 13, 2013

Don't Laugh

This is the bumper sticker that I have on display inside my trailer. I purchased it at the Canadian Tire store here in Truro. Last June when we travelled to Hubbards I taped this to Betty's back window. That way, I could give every motorist behind us something to chuckle about...Sometimes it's the little things in life that make us smile!


  1. Oh Beth: that is too cute....Sue

    1. Hello Sue!
      Dad always said, "No fools, no fun!" Found a cousin of Betty's for you to buy in Stratford, PEI. Apparently it's a '66 pictures, but you can get the info on Kijiji.
      Waiting for summer,

  2. Beth,
    Love the sticker, but you may never know... they may be completely jealous of your little trailer. A friend of mine told this story of how she set up her little vintage trailer at a campground. That same weekend was a rally for very expensive motor home owners. She told how all the women of the motor homes loved her little trailer and begged her to let them see the interior, as their husbands shook their heads. Men just don't get it.
    She thought it was so funny... They had the million dollar motor homes, but her trailer got all the attention.
    Happy Trailers,

  3. Nancy,
    You are so right, men don't get it at all. Funny story about the guy we bought Betty from. He said he wouldn't sell, did not want to go into debt for a new one, etc. Well, since he sold to us he's on his second big white fiberglass box, lol.
    Happy trails,


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