Friday, June 21, 2013

Confession # 4, I Go Curbside Shopping

Yes, it's time for another confession. Sometimes I have been known to go curbside shopping. Yes, it has happened once or twice in my life. Not many times, but a few. Twice a year our county has Clean Up Week where residents are encouraged to put their junk out at the curb. There are some rules and regulations, but basically you can put anything out there with the exception of electronics. So this spring on our way to the cottage I spied a wicker planter. Luckily we were towing our utility trailer and there was room for my "find". My DH said he would stop but I would have to go and get it. He didn't think I would, but I unloaded two pairs of boots from it and carried it to the trailer. It fit in just perfectly between the mower and the tail gate. This is what it looked like then...

This is what it looks like after some prep work and two cans of spray paint. Hopefully I will get it finished before the transplants are sold out. I think it will look  great at the cottage with all my other wicker pieces. Gotta love curbside shopping!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

All Lit Up!

Finally, I have a picture of my new Barbie lamp all lit up. You see, this was harder to get than it looks because I had to get out the extension cords, and the trailer power cord,  and get that all plugged in. By the time that happened I had to move them onto the deck because my DH was going to mow the lawn. Did I mention that lawn mowing is an art form with him? But I do have to say he does a great job of trimming and mowing all around Betty. After he mows it's my job to sweep all the clippings off the trailer and put the step back down, etc. As you can tell this photo was taken midday. You should see how cute this looks at night all lit up! Oh, and to the right of the lamp is my new cocktail shaker. The recipes for six drinks are printed right on the glass. Probably will never make any of them, but since it had a red Bakelite strainer/cover I just had to have it!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Chocolate Fixes Everything

One day I picked up this little sign while out thrifting. Well actually it had another picture of roses or something, but I knew I had a more suitable photo. This picture was actually taken at my third birthday. I am the one second from the right. Not sure what I was howling about. Notice that everyone else seems pretty happy. Anyways, this sign pretty much sums up how I feel on this rainy day. "There's nothing wrong with me that a little chocolate won't cure!" 

Monday, June 03, 2013

Vintage Barbie Thermos Lamp

Ta Da! Look what I made for Betty last weekend. A couple of weeks ago I scored this vintage Barbie thermos at the antiques & collectibles sale held at our local thrift store. I only paid $1 for the thermos (probably because it was missing the cup). The lampshade was .50 cents but the rickrack was $2! I already had the lamp kit so it was pretty easy to make. Just to be sure the lamp socket stays put, I glued it to the thermos with E6000 glue! The rickrack was glued onto the shade with fabric glue. Hopefully next weekend I can get a picture of it "all lit up".