Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dreaming of Retirement

After being in Florida last week, this is how I'm feeling. I want to retire now, not in two years time. That could be me, sitting outside my trailer, knitting an afghan. Well, first my friend, Susan, would have to teach me how to knit, but you get the idea...And see that dog, I even played "that card".  Yup, I am trying everything  to move my retirement date up. Just one. year. earlier. would make me happy...


  1. Hi there
    I hear you on retiring. My husband wants to retire now also. I love the idea of retiring now. We have a boat and an RV to pay off first though:) cute picture on your blog of the lady with her camper and dog, knitting. Fun!!!
    it will come soon enough

  2. Yes Deezie, I suppose you are right. It will come soon enough. I just hope I have some energy left, LOL.

  3. This us too cute for words and I see a future knitting student!!! The picture cracks me up!!! Too & trailer hugs!!! Sue

    1. Greetings Sue! You know I would be your worst knitting student ever, haha. I think you should get another trailer and we could be the first SIsters On The Fly in the Maritimes. Checking out craft and antique shops by day, sipping wine in the evening! [[Hugs]], Bethaloo.

  4. That's hilarious.

  5. Yes, I love that vintage trailer ad. "Mother" looks so perky wearing her best blue dress and sitting outside knitting! I guess I have to stick to my original retirement date of June 2015 before I can sit outside and knit :)


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